
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Global financial crisis – fall of the capitalists

The world we live in is more or less a capitalist one. Barring few exceptions, all nations follow this economic system as a religion in one form or other. The exceptions either follow a mixed economic system or a communist dictator regime disguised as a socialist system.
The major economic systems that the world has tested till date in various forms are capitalism and socialism.
Capitalism: It’s the world’s dominant economic system. Within it, the means of production and distribution are owned by individuals. Private ownership and free enterprise are believed to lead to more efficiency, lower prices, better products and rising prosperity.
Socialism: This system advocates the ownership and control of the means of production and industry by the community as a whole. The community is believed to be more just and more efficient through its centralised planning and execution.
The whole world was once divided into two power groups, based on the above ideologies of a perfect economic system. The cold war was the outcome of this polarisation. It continued – till the fall of the USSR – eating away many scarce and necessary resources for the good of none. The fall of the USSR was termed as a failure of the socialist system, and the final triumph of the capitalists. This claim is in question after the explosion of the current financial crisis preying over the entire world.
During the last few weeks, every dawn greeted us with news of one or two banks going bankrupt. The first symptom of this failure was manifested in the latter half of the last year itself, when the subprime crisis started showing up. The capitalist preachers closed their eyes to this ice berg, satisfying themselves with some peripheral acts which failed miserably to make a difference.
Subprime Crisis:
In the United States of America, banks follow a credit rating system for their borrower, which is largely based on the borrower’s credit history and track record. People with a good credit profile and track are marked as the “prime” and those on the other hand, with a bad credit track, is ranked as “subprime”.
The US banks, which initially provided housing loans liberally to the prime customers, later turned to the subprime customers as well. The subprime customers, who really can’t afford to buy the property or payback the loan, where seen as an opportunity for getting higher returns and thereby increased profits. Easy availability of loans pushed the property prices to unprecedented heights. The banks even provided interest only repayment options, no down payment facility etc - which works only when the property prices are consistently going up - to the subprime customers. The banks, in search of higher profits, resorted to all means to grow their mortgage loan book. They were foolish enough to assume that the property prices will keep on soaring up forever. This fundamental assumption behind the entire operations proved itself wrong when the subprime loans started going bad and lot of houses were repossessed by the banks and put for auction. Oversupply resulted in property prices crashing down. Banks started repossessing more and more houses based on their mark to market norms and this further added to the already overloaded supply position. Thus the housing bubble busted.
This collapse is a major crisis in its own. Major Banks like Citicorp, the biggest bank, have announced huge losses. The Citicorp alone wrote off $18 Bn housing loans. Put together, US banks have reportedly written off over $ 200 Bn, which is still ticking its way up.
To add to the problem, there were bonds and complex derivative structures – which the banks devised in search of super profits – which had these subprime loans as their underlying assets. Once the subprime housing bubble busted, these bonds and derivative instruments ran into their natural death, with no takers for them. A lot of investors who knowingly and unknowingly invested in these instruments lost their money.
The bond insurers who guaranteed the bonds are now liable to repay the investors. This resulted in the subprime losses creeping into the books of insurers as well. Thus a crisis in the housing sector – due to the acts of greedy bankers and their capitalist advisors – grew into a systemic crisis eating on the entire financial market.
The era of undue credit expansion is seeing its painful end here, putting the whole world into trouble. The capitalist US is facing a financial crisis as well as an economic slowdown, both serving fuel to one another.
The fantasy of “decoupling” of Asian, European and other economies from the US economy proved itself wrong as we see the sinking US drag the whole world with it into a deadly recession. Stock markets worldwide have plunged more than 40%. The truth is that the bubble created by the bankers through excess availability of credit didn’t confine itself into housing sector alone, but in all resorts of investments – equities, commodities and what not. All these are correcting sharply, resulting in a huge erosion of wealth.
The present crisis is marking an end to the present day globalisation as well. Its celebrated “successes” are already nullified and we are left to live with its grave consequences.
India and the Crisis:
It’s reasonable to believe that India is largely protected, though not completely insulated with regard to the current crisis. Indian markets and business institutions are highly regulated by their respective statutory regulatory bodies. The proactive acts on the part of RBI have helped Indian banks to remain as one of the most little affected ones across the globe. Unlike in US, where the rich capitalist banks were framing their own rules and got a chance to resort to all malpractices, Indian Banks were highly disciplines and their operations were monitored by RBI at every level. Similar is the state of Capital Market regulated by SEBI, Mutual Funds by AMFI and Insurance companies by IRDA. Moreover, its notable that the Indian growth is fuelled not alone by export growth, as in China. Even if the exports reduce considerably, its effect on the economy will not be proportionate. But, as the whole world is dragged into a recession, there is no way that India can stand alone, but our position will be relatively far better than any of our peers.
China and the Crisis:
Its highly doubtful whether the Chinese model will sustain in this hour of crisis. Chinese economy grew at 11.40% in 2007, fuelled by export growth. The trend of declining exports however means a slowdown in growth for china. The fantasy that China can switch to domestic demand in a high pace to cope with the situation is not very true. Low wage rates and huge inequalities is keeping the purchase power of the Chinese at very low levels. Thus the economy of china, which grew on export base alone, is now all set to take the hit. Their investments also came from the huge foreign currency reserve they created out of their exports. This prevailing structure will not work out when the whole world is facing huge liquidity crunch and absolute financials crisis.
Claims of Capitalism proved wrong:
Capitalist advocate Henry Paulson proclaimed in March 2007 as “an open competitive and liberal financial market can effectively allocate scarce resources in a manner that promote stability and prosperity far better than governmental intervention.” This came out in the light of huge profits the US banks have made last year. But the present crisis is proving his view completely wrong. The painful thing we observe now is that the capitalists are now trying to socialise their losses, but they always privatised any profit.
Globalisation fails:
As we saw, the success of globalisation has been has been undermined by the system’s inner contradictions. In the last decade, the capitalists had everything they wanted. There has been an almost uncluttered working of the free market, with little or no governmental interference. The off balance sheet credit system flourished in the period of securitisation and derivatives. Governments worldwide –irrespective of “Left” or “right” – promoted their interests. This resulted in a never before surge in profits of big corporate houses and the super rich cumulated enormous wealth. Everything seemed working fine, but it went unnoticed that on the other hand, share of wages in total wealth created went to historical all-time lows.
A new economic system:
Communism and capitalism have failed to prove themselves as a perfect economic system. Socialism in its purest form couldn’t survive in the past due to its own pitfalls, so did capitalism. Any system where there are no private gains will not motivate people nor can a system which completely ignores the totality of the society survive. We need to understand that these two are not the only available alternatives.
Democratic socialism, as we see in its dilute form in Indian mixed economy, could be an alternative. The benchmarks needs to be revisited and the game plan should be revamped. Guidelines should be stricter and the regulations should be futuristic. In a global turmoil like the one we see today, discussions on a newer better alternative is inevitable and it should be capable of leading us to a better tomorrow.

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posted by Traveller at 10:16 AM


wo.. that was informative. lot of research done in the background! wish chidambaram read ur post :-)

nice work traveller.

October 19, 2008 at 1:30 PM  

thanks, but Chidambarams and the likes wont change. Young blood need to fight for their existance.

October 19, 2008 at 10:04 PM  

Traveller...we must open up this topic for discussion!

October 21, 2008 at 7:53 AM  

..Such an insightful piece!..honestly this has been the most educative write-up of all articles on the present-day economic crisis that I attempted to read. I think, this need to be published and debated in a wide forum. Traveller..u deserve much greater credit...thank you very much for having enlightened me..

October 28, 2008 at 7:35 AM  

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